Universities / institutes in British Columbia

Public Sector Institutes/universities

“Ignorance of the Immigration Law is not a legitimate excuse”

We are dedicated to providing ethical immigration services that exceed expectations.

Client service and their interest take precedence over professional fees in our organization.

We are committed to guiding everyone in the right direction in light of the current Immigration Laws. 

Our goal is to assist you to understand your options so you can rethink, reinterpret, and reinvent your decision. 

British Columbia

  • Community Colleges and Related institutions

    British Columbia Institute of Technology

    Capilano College

    Camosun College

    College of New Caledonia

    College of the Rockies

    Douglas College

    Emily Carr Institute of Art & Design

    Institute of Indigenous Government

    Justice Institute of British Columbia

    Kwantlen University College

    Langara College

    Malaspina University College

    Nicola Valley Institute of Technology

    Northern Lights Community College

    North Island College

    Northwest Community College

    Okanagan University College

    Selkirk College

    University College of the Cariboo

    University College of the Fraser Valley

    Vancouver Community College


    Universities and Degree-Granting Institutions

    Open Learning Agency

    Royal Roads University

    Seminary of Christ the King

    Simon Fraser University

    Technical University of British Columbia

    Trinity Western University

    Canadian Baptist Seminary

    University of British Columbia

    Regent College

    Vancouver School of Theology

    University of Northern British Columbia

    University of Victoria